Inclusion Pledge
Mutual Mentoring for impact
Mentoring can be very powerful. Traditional mentoring focuses on one participant learning from another. In mutual mentoring, both participants learn from each other.
Our progamme pairs senior leaders with employees from diverse perspectives to drive mutual understanding, insight into culture and behavioural change.
The pairs are supported by semi- facilitated group and one-to-one sessions and coaching through the program.
The program is an excellent way to:
Drive listening and engagement: Deliver a clear program, tied to business D&I prioirities across the business, with both individual and organisation benefits
Build awareness, understanding, confidence and behavioural chage: Use the programme to bring D&I to life, so all participants gain deeper understanding and can challenge their own behaviuour and team/company culture
Address clear business D&I issues: Create clear action plans, specific to different parts of your biusiness, with senior leader buy-in
Create tangible case studies: Showcase the experience and learnings from participants